Mcdodo PF-5363 Tempered glass for iPhone 15 Pro Max
Product reference: 057500

Mcdodo PF-5363 Tempered glass for iPhone 15 Pro Max

Product reference: 057500
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Mcdodo PF-5363 tempered glass for iPhone 15 Pro Max

Protect your iPhone's screen with the help of McDodo tempered glass. It offers effective protection against scratches and bumps, without affecting touch sensitivity or the quality of the displayed image. The tailored dimensions guarantee perfect screen coverage, and its installation is hassle-free. The set includes a convenient dust-free chamber that makes it easy to apply the glass to the device's screen. The EZ Paste series is designed to make tempered glass installation intuitive and simple, minimizing the risk of air bubbles or dirt under the glass.



  • Dust-free chamber
  • Tempered glass
  • Tool kit
  • Warranty card
Manufacturer Mcdodo
Model PF-5363
Material High alumina glass
Compatibility iPhone 15 Pro Max
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