MC4 solar connector set, 10pcs.
Product reference: 9990000820160-1

MC4 solar connector set, 10pcs.

Product reference: 9990000820160-1
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MC4 solar connector set, 30A, 1000V DC, for 2.5-6mm² wireFeatures: MC4 30A Photovoltaic connector, crimp connection. Set 10 pcs.Suitable to photovoltaic cables of various diameters 2.5mm², 4mm², 6mm².Multiple self-locking mechanism allows easy connection of M and F heads.Durable, resistant to impact, UV, high temperature, water, dust.
Technical data: Connecting system: crimp connection.Insulation material PPO.Material of the inner core: copper / tin plating.Resistance of plug connector: 1mOhm.Safety class: IP67.Working current: 30A.Nominal voltage: < 1000V DC.Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ +85°C.Certification: CE.
Warranty: 24 months.
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