5.0" universal protective film for navigation screens. Suitable for all GPS navigation and other devices (cameras, phones, navigation, players, etc.) that have a 5.0" screen (13 cm screen diagonal). The protective film protects the device screen from scratches. Matt surface.
5.0" universal protective film for navigation screens. Suitable for all GPS navigation and other devices (cameras, phones, navigation, players, etc.) that have a 5.0" screen (13 cm screen diagonal). The protective film protects the device screen from scratches. Matt surface.
5.0" universal protective film for navigation screens. Suitable for all GPS navigation and other devices (cameras, phones, navigation, players, etc.) that have a 5.0" screen (13 cm screen diagonal). The protective film protects the device screen from scratches. Matt surface.
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5.0" universali apsauginė navigacijų ekranų plėvelė. Tinka visoms GPS navigacijosm bei kitiems prietaisams (kameroms, telelfonams, navigacijoms, grotuvams ir t.t.), kurie turi 5.0" dydžio ekraną. Apsauginė plėvelė apsaugo prietaisp ekraną nuo įbrėžimų. Nusibraižius ekranui, sunkiai matysite vaizdą. Plėvelę galima pakeisti, o ekrano keitimas labai brangus. Matinis paviršius.
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