Manta SMAC0109I
Product reference: 5-SMAC0109I
Manta SMAC0109I

Manta SMAC0109I

Product reference: 5-SMAC0109I
Manta SMAC0109I
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Air conditioner Manta SMAC0109I 5.0kW
Manta wall-mounted air conditioners are characterized by high-quality workmanship, very good operating parameters and functions present only in high-end air conditioners. Each Manta air conditioner has antibacterial filters with silver ions and a built-in Wi-Fi module necessary for remote control via a smartphone. Another very important function is the intelligent 3D airflow controlled by a smartphone or wireless remote control. For the production of Manta air conditioners, we use only proven, high-quality components, among others GMCC and SANYO compressors. At every stage of production - from the moment of starting production to packing in cardboard boxes - all air conditioners and their components undergo detailed quality control carried out by independent entities.
Technical data:
Type of device: Internal
Cooling capacity nom. (Min-max): 2.5 kW
Heating capacity nom. (Min-max): 2.5 kW
Sound pressure: 21 dB
Dimensions: 777 x 250 x 201 mm
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