Manta Revo SWU401RGD Rose Gold
Product reference: 5-SWU401RGD
Manta Revo SWU401RGD Rose Gold

Manta Revo SWU401RGD Rose Gold

Product reference: 5-SWU401RGD
Manta Revo SWU401RGD Rose Gold
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12 month

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 Technical data
Wireless charging: Yes
Data transmission: No
Communication: Bluetooth
Connectors: Magnetic
System compatibility: Apple iOS 9.0+ / Android 4.4+
GPS: Yes
Water resistant: IP67
Strap material: Silicone
Case material: metal
Case width: 39mm
Case height: 48mm
Case thickness: 11mm
Strap length: 240mm
Product weight: 55g
Wrist circumference: 14.5 - 21.5mm
Screen diagonal: 2.01"
Screen resolution: 240x296px
Battery type: Li-Poly
Battery capacity: 230 mAh
Sensors: gyroscope, accelerometer, heart rate monitor, pedometer
Operating system: own
Menu language: PL, EN, ES, DE, PT, HU, CZ, BG, RO, SK, LV, LT, EE, SI, EL, HR

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