Manta MTWS006
Product reference: 5-MTWS006
Manta MTWS006

Manta MTWS006

Product reference: 5-MTWS006
Manta MTWS006
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 Up to 16 hours of listening. Our headphones, despite their small size, can play music for up to 4 hours. However, storing them in a case can extend their lifespan up to 16 hours.
The case has a built-in battery, thanks to which you can charge the headphones up to 4 times. You can charge the case itself using the modern USB Type-C connector in just 60 minutes. In addition, after removing the headphones from it, they will automatically turn on and connect with each other - you just have to enjoy your favorite music.
Range: 10 m.
Volume Control: Yes
Frequency response: 20 ~ 20,000 Hz
Microphone: yes
Material: plastic
Signal transmission: BT
Dominant color: Black
Working time: 16 hours
Standby time: up to 250 hours
Additional features: IPX5
Headphone type: in-ear
Included accessories: manual, USB cable, headphones
Weight (with packaging): 120g
Weight (unpacked): 79g
Height (with packaging): 145 mm
Width (with packaging): 78 mm
Length (with packaging): 40mm

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