- 1-2b.d
Christmas decorations are very fun and cheerful, the patterns are full of Christmas elements that will create charm and coziness for your holiday. May you be in a happy mood while waiting for the big holidays! 8 flashing modes are adjustable, you can choose according to your needs. Copper wire lamp toy, each toy has a larger light body and longer life. Wide range of indoor/outdoor applications. It is an ideal decoration for homes, windows, curtains, doors, walls, gardens, yards, porches, fences, paths and walkways. Just add brightness and artistry to your surroundings.
Luminous Christmas toys with motifs of Santa Claus 3 years
Christmas decorations are very fun and cheerful, the patterns are full of Christmas elements that will create charm and coziness for your holiday. May you be in a happy mood while waiting for the big holidays! 8 flashing modes are adjustable, you can choose according to your needs. Copper wire lamp toy, each toy has a larger light body and longer life. Wide range of indoor/outdoor applications. It is an ideal decoration for homes, windows, curtains, doors, walls, gardens, yards, porches, fences, paths and walkways. Just add brightness and artistry to your surroundings.
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KITE PB88 silicone portable electronic piano
G3009 Silicone Portable Electronic Drums, HIGH CLASS, Red
Šviečiantys Kalėdiniai žaisliukai su Kalėdų senelio motyvais 3m
Kalėdinės dekoracijos labai linksmi ir nuotaikingos, raštuose gausu Kalėdinių elementų, kurie sukurs Jūsų šventinei žavesio ir jaukumo. Tegu lydi linksma nuotaika didžiųjų švenčių belaukiant!Reguliuojami 8 mirksėjimo režimai, galite pasirinkti pagal savo poreikius. Varinės vielos lempos žaisliukas, kiekvienas žaisliukas turi didesnį šviesos korpusą ir ilgesnį tarnavimo laiką. Platus pritaikymas viduje / lauke. Tai ideali namų, langų, užuolaidų, durų, sienų, sodų, kiemų, verandų, tvorų, takų ir takų puošmena. Tiesiog suteikite savo aplinkai ryškumo ir meniškumo.Medžiaga: plastikas. Spalva: šilta balta.