Lenspen kit SensorKlear Loupe Kit
Product reference: 776293035004

Lenspen kit SensorKlear Loupe Kit

Product reference: 776293035004
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The new SensorKlear Loupe Kit used on NASA's International Space Station will provide you with all the cleaning tools you need to keep your SLR camera sensor free of dust and prevent unwanted smudges on your photos:

1. SensorKlear Loupe with additional illumination helps to easily detect dust on the surface of the matrix.
2. Lenspen Hurricane Blower effectively removes dry dust.
3. With the help of the SensorKlear II pencil, you can easily and simply remove the remaining stuck dust.

Don't forget, only the unique design of the SensorKlear Loupe and SensorKlear II allows dirt to be noticed and cleaned at the same time! Your camera will love you!

The set also includes power supplies.

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