LED lamp Puluz for the camera 860 lumens
Product reference: 025924939386

LED lamp Puluz for the camera 860 lumens

Product reference: 025924939386
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LED Camera Lamp

The lamp generates natural and soft white light at 6500K. The PU529B is powered by two low-power AA batteries, which must be purchased separately. Thanks to the ¼-inch thread, you can also attach a handle to the lamp for even more comfortable use. You can also connect additional lights to the unit for better photo and video effects.


Brightness adjustment

The on/off button on the back of the lamp also allows you to adjust the brightness. Hold it down longer to vary the brightness of the lamp between 30%-60%-100%. This will ensure that the people and objects you photograph are optimally lit.


Wide application

You can use the LED lamp when recording interviews, live broadcasts or studio recordings. The PU529B is also perfect for recording important events, such as weddings. Puluz brand lamp guarantees the highest quality of photos and videos.

Brand Puluz
Model PU529B
Material Plastic
Dimensions 78.5x66.5x30.5mm
Weight 60g
Power 3W
Voltage 3V
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