LDNIO LS33 2m microUSB Cable
Product reference: 042866

LDNIO LS33 2m microUSB Cable

Product reference: 042866
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LDNIO LS33 microUSB cable 2 m

Instantly renew the energy in your phone with the LDNIO LS33 cable. The product allows fast and stable charging with an intensity of 2.4A. It also allows you to charge your device and transfer files at the same time. It is made of high-quality materials that are characterised by durability and resistance to wear and tear. So you don't have to worry about breakage or other damage to the cable. It also features an intelligent chip that automatically adjusts the charging parameters to the connected device.


Manufacturer LDNIO
Model LS33
Length 2 m
Output current 2.4A
Colour White
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