Kuprinė Lowepro ProTactic MG 160 AW II
Product reference: 056035372667

Accommodates a laptop up to 13 inches
Quick access to photo equipment
Easily adjustable shoulder strap

Kuprinė Lowepro ProTactic MG 160 AW II

Product reference: 056035372667

Accommodates a laptop up to 13 inches
Quick access to photo equipment
Easily adjustable shoulder strap

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The slim shoulder case has a perfectly adjustable tab system. The versatile interior of the case is divided into compartments for camera gear and personal items, so you can easily reach what you need. There is a front pocket for your smartphone, accessories and personal items. With a removable Quickshelf™ tab system, it's easy to convert into a protective over-the-shoulder laptop case.

The bag contains:
• 1x DSLR camera, 70-200 F/2.8 lens (removed) + two standard lenses + flash + 13" laptop.

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