Keyboard ASUS: F52, K50, K50C, K50IJ, K50IN
Product reference: 9990000314034-1

Keyboard ASUS: F52, K50, K50C, K50IJ, K50IN

Product reference: 9990000314034-1
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Notebook keyboard ASUS: F52, K50, K50C, K50IJ, K50IN.

Compatible with:

Asus F52;
Asus F52A;
Asus F52K;
Asus F52Q;
Asus K50;
Asus K50A;
Asus K50AB;
Asus K50AD;
Asus K50AE;
Asus K50AF;
Asus K50C;
Asus K50E;
Asus K50i;
Asus K50iD;
Asus K50ID;
Asus K50IE;
Asus K50iE;
Asus K50IJ;
Asus K50iJ;
Asus K50IL;
Asus K50iL;
Asus K50IN;
Asus K50iN;
Asus K50IP;
Asus K50iP;
Asus K50X;
Asus K50ZE.

NOTE: The list of compatible models may be incomplete.

Technical specification:
Type: US
Color: black

Warranty: 6 months.
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