KABB LED Collar for Dogs and Cats Blue
Product reference: 5-X0015R2ZZN
KABB LED Collar for Dogs and Cats Blue

KABB LED Collar for Dogs and Cats Blue

Product reference: 5-X0015R2ZZN
KABB LED Collar for Dogs and Cats Blue
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12 month

Delivery in 
4 - 8
business days

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USB Rechargeable: Only 1 hour charge for 6-9 hours of work. When you charge the collar, the indicator light turns green and turns off when charging is complete.
Water resistant: can be used in the rain or wet conditions. Please do not soak in water.
3 lighting modes: 1. fast flashing, 2. slow flashing, 3. constant light, 4. off.
Size change - The cuttable design allows you to adjust the size that best suits your pet.
Technical data
Material: Thermoplastic Polyurethane
Colour: blue
Closure type: buckle
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