Joyroom PN-15F1 Starry Case for iPhone 15 (pink)
Product reference: 061863

Joyroom PN-15F1 Starry Case for iPhone 15 (pink)

Product reference: 061863
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Joyroom PN-15F1 Starry Case for iPhone 15 (pink)

The Joyroom Starry case features high-quality crystals, and thanks to the use of sheepskin material and metal elements, it is extremely durable and provides effective protection for the iPhone 15.


Elegant design

The crystals provide an unmistakable sparkle that immediately attracts attention. They are also durable and scratch-resistant, making the case look stylish and elegant. The decorative elements come from the same factory as the famous Swarovski crystals. The handmade logo further enhances the visual appeal. The accessory is also resistant to dirt and traces of use.


Protection of the device

Imitation sheepskin not only looks elegant, but also provides protection against everyday damage, including scratches or bumps. Metal elements guarantee additional protection, while the airy lining provides effective ventilation and prevents your phone from overheating.



The design of the Joyroom Starry case allows you to personalize the look with accessories, such as a beaded chain. This will give your accessory a unique touch while enjoying its functionality.


CompatibilityiPhone 15
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