Jata MIB9N
Product reference: 5-MIB9N
Jata MIB9N

Jata MIB9N

Product reference: 5-MIB9N
Jata MIB9N
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 Insect killer and portable lamp. An effective, silence and harmless system for the human being. Rechargeable. USB cable included
Environmentally free without pollutant emissions.
Eliminates all kind of insects through 3 actions:
-"Bio-Tech", cartridge.
-Ultraviolet light. 
-Electric shock.
Effective and harmless system for the human being.
Waterproof (IPX6).
Effective range 25 m2.
2 "Bio-Tech" cartridges for 60-70 days.
LED lamp with 3 lighting levels. Max. 180 lm.
EVA rubber textured anti-shock protection.
Desktop and hook for hanging options.
Low power consumption.
Compact design: diameter 90 mm. Height 150 mm. 
Weight 245 g.
Rechargeable. USB cable included.
Charge indicator light.
Voltage 230 V.
Power 5 W.
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