Jata HJAR1003 3.5L
Product reference: 5-HJAR1003
Jata HJAR1003 3.5L

Jata HJAR1003 3.5L

Product reference: 5-HJAR1003
Jata HJAR1003 3.5L
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 Jata HJAR1003 Water filter jar 3.5L
With the HJAR1003 purifying jug you will improve the quality and taste of the water, maintaining the essential minerals.
6 filter included
3,5 L total capacity
Manual filter control indicator
Ionic filter
Reduces chlorine by up to 80%
Reduces limescale by up to 95%
Reduces copper by up to 50%
Adjust the pH value to 7-8
150-180 L filtered water or 30-45 days
Suitable for placing in the door of the fridge
Anti-sliding base
Flip-top lid
Ergonomic handle
Water jug size: : 256 x 119 x 279
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