Homedics FS-100DB-EU Luxury Footspa & NailKit
Product reference: 5-FS-100DB-EU
Homedics FS-100DB-EU Luxury Footspa & NailKit

Homedics FS-100DB-EU Luxury Footspa & NailKit

Product reference: 5-FS-100DB-EU
Homedics FS-100DB-EU Luxury Footspa & NailKit
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12 month

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4 - 8
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Too tired to head out? Sit back and unwind with the HoMedics Luxury Nail Care Foot Spa! This foot spa comes with invigorating bubble strips for a soothing experience thereby making it a luxurious way to relax and bring life to your feet! With features like the keep warm function, you can extend your spa time giving you enough time to destress yourself and let the pampering last longer. This foot spa is equipped with 4 removable acu-node massage rollers to stimulate the acupressure points on the sole of your feet and has an ergonomic angle base for a more comfortable massage. Equipped with a Luxury Nail Care Kit and additional features like the Easy Pour Water Sprout, the HoMedics Luxury Nail Care Foot Spa is sure to become the perfect addition to your life!
Technical details
Massage function: Y
Keep warm function: Y
Infrared heat: N
Colour of product: Purple,White
Bubble function: Y
Number of massage rollers: 4
Drainage holes: Y
Power source: AC
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