HDD, SEAGATE, SkyHawk, 12TB, SATA 3.0, 256 MB, 7200 rpm, 3,5", ST12000VE001
Product reference: 2-8719706029377
SkyHawk, 12TB, SATA 3.0, Buffer 256 MB, 7200 rpm, 3,5"

HDD, SEAGATE, SkyHawk, 12TB, SATA 3.0, 256 MB, 7200 rpm, 3,5", ST12000VE001

Product reference: 2-8719706029377
SkyHawk, 12TB, SATA 3.0, Buffer 256 MB, 7200 rpm, 3,5"
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Seagate® SkyHawk AI 18 TB is a surveillance-optimised drive designed for NVRs with artificial intelligence (AI) for edge applications.
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