HDD, SEAGATE, Barracuda, 2TB, SATA 3.0, 128 MB, 5400 rpm, 2,5", Thickness 7mm, ST2000LM015
Product reference: 2-763649098318
Barracuda, 2TB, SATA 3.0, Buffer 128 MB, 5400 rpm, 2,5", Thickness 7mm

HDD, SEAGATE, Barracuda, 2TB, SATA 3.0, 128 MB, 5400 rpm, 2,5", Thickness 7mm, ST2000LM015

Product reference: 2-763649098318
Barracuda, 2TB, SATA 3.0, Buffer 128 MB, 5400 rpm, 2,5", Thickness 7mm
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Experience the highest capacity, and the thinnest 2.5-inch hard drive you’ve ever seen. Choose from 500 GB to 2 TB of massive storage for all of your application and data needs along with a slim 7 mm form factor drive that makes system upgrades very easy.
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