Hard drive protection case ORICO-PWFM2-WH-EP (White)
Product reference: 055473

Hard drive protection case ORICO-PWFM2-WH-EP (White)

Product reference: 055473
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Hard drive protection case ORICO-PWFM2-WH-EP (White)

Ensure the safety of your hard drive. The ORICO PWFM2-WH-EP case will provide it with effective protection against damage during storage or transportation. It will also help you organize the space and maintain order – it is equipped with an internal pocket where you can place items such as a card reader, essential cables, or a USB flash drive. The product is compatible with M.2 hard drives.


Caring for the Safety of Your Hard Drive

The case is made of durable EVA and PU materials, making it waterproof and extremely resilient. It is not afraid of scratches or impacts! This means that the hard drive placed in it will be completely safe in almost any situation. Furthermore, the soft lining provides additional protection against shocks.


Color White
Compatibility M.2 hard drives
Dimensions 159 x 110 x 40 mm
Material PU + EVA
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