GreenGo HTC Desire 825 Ultra Slim TPU 0.3mm Transparent
Product reference: 4-GSM019145
Back panel cover GreenGo HTC Desire 825 Ultra Slim TPU 0.3mm Transparent

GreenGo HTC Desire 825 Ultra Slim TPU 0.3mm Transparent

Product reference: 4-GSM019145
Back panel cover GreenGo HTC Desire 825 Ultra Slim TPU 0.3mm Transparent
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Product code:
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Compatible phone model:
HTC Desire 825

EAN: 5900495446954

Ultra Slim, as the name suggests, is a very thin and light case for your device. It's thickness is about 0,3 mm, but still, the case is a perfect kind of protection for your phone.

Product has all the needed excisions for buttons, ports etc. allowing you to access your phone as usual. Available in three options: transparent, black and blue.

Brand: OEM

Thickness: 0,3 mm

Packages type: Poly bag

Colour: transparent

Material: TPU

Functions: rough surface on the inside, preventing effect of "sweating" the overlay
phone protection


Shape and size of this mobile phone case in Photo is just for information as example.

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