Gastroback 42583 Design Airfryer Air Pro XXL
Product reference: 5-42583
Gastroback 42583 Design Airfryer Air Pro XXL

Gastroback 42583 Design Airfryer Air Pro XXL

Product reference: 5-42583
Gastroback 42583 Design Airfryer Air Pro XXL
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XXL hot air fryer with a capacity of 6.5 litres for a whole grilled chicken and up to 1.5 kg of French fries
More flavour, less fat: frying, cooking, baking, defrosting and drying possible without adding oil or fat
8 preset programmes for fries, chicken wings/thighs, fish, beefsteak and cutlet, cakes and dried fruit
Adjustable temperature from 40°C to 200°C in 5°C steps (40 - 80°C for the dried fruit programme)
Adjustable time from 1 min. to 60 min. (2 - 9 hours for the dried fruit programme)
Touch control panel
1800 watt power, very quiet operation
Technical data
Power supply: 220-240V~, 50-60Hz
Power consumption: 1800 Watt
Length of power cord: approx. 100cm
Weight: approx. 4.65kg
Dimensions: approx. 343 mm x 290 mm x 298 mm
(Length x Width x Height)
Adjustable temperature:from 40°C to 200°C in 5°C steps (40-80°C for the dried fruit program)
Adjustable time: from 1 minute to 60 minutes (2 - 9 hours for the dried fruit program)
Fill volume: 6.5 Litre
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