Gastroback 42566 Fondue Set
Product reference: 5-42566
Gastroback 42566 Fondue Set

Gastroback 42566 Fondue Set

Product reference: 5-42566
Gastroback 42566 Fondue Set
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12 month

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Number of persons: 8 person(s)
Colour of product: Black,Stainless steel
Capacity: 1.8 L
Form factor: Oval
Number of fondue forks: 8
Adjustable thermostat: Y
Fork material: Stainless steel
Indication light: Y
Handle(s): Y
Detachable lid: Y
Non-stick coating: Y
Dishwasher-proof parts: Y
Temperature (max): 190 °C
Pot material: Stainless steel
Power: 800 W
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