FUJIFILM NP-T125 Battery, 1250mAh
Product reference: 9990000970391-1

FUJIFILM NP-T125 Battery, 1250mAh

Product reference: 9990000970391-1
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Replacement battery Fuji NP-T125, 1250mAh.

No "memory effect".
Low self-discharge rate.
Longest battery life.

Compatible camera models:
Fujifilm GFX 50S.
Fujifilm GFX 50R.
Fujifilm GFX 100.
Fujifilm VG-GFX1 Grip.
Fujifilm VG-GFX1 Vertical Battery Grip for Fuji GFX 50.

Compatible part numbers:

Notes: the list of compatible models may not be complete. In case of doubt, always ask a consultant for advice.

Capacity: 1250mAh.
Element type: Li-ion.
Voltage: 10.8V.
Power: 13.5Wh.

Important information! Waste batteries and accumulators must be discard to special containers marked with a battery and/or accumulator collection mark.

Warranty: 12 months.
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