Free Breath Snorkeling Mask M2068G S / M pink
Product reference: 5-9997790756686
Free Breath Snorkeling Mask M2068G S / M pink

Free Breath Snorkeling Mask M2068G S / M pink

Product reference: 5-9997790756686
Free Breath Snorkeling Mask M2068G S / M pink
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M2068G is a full-face snorkeling mask for universal sport action cameras. What makes it unique when compared to other snorkeling masks is the 180 degree wide viewing window and the anti-fogging system. What is more, the floating ball in the breathing tube will prevent water from entering the mask when under the sea.
Main Features:
Automatically closing the inhaling channels when under water 
With drainage valves
Four adjustable elastic fabric headband design, suitable for all kinds of head shapes
Water-tight with ergonomic design, perfect for human face, no inhaled water 
Food-grade silicone and PC material, no skin irritation, which is eco-friendly and non-toxic odor
Please Note:
The action cameras showed in the pictures are not included in the package
Product weight: 0.4940 kg
Package weight: 0.6700 kg
Product size : 26.00 x 18.00 x 11.50 cm 
Package size : 40.00 x 28.00 x 14.00 cm 
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