Foneng X67 USB to Micro USB Cable, 5A, 1m (White)
Product reference: 045625

Foneng X67 USB to Micro USB Cable, 5A, 1m (White)

Product reference: 045625
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Foneng X67 microUSB cable

The Foneng X67 cable will allow you to renew the energy in your device in no time. It offers charging up to 5 A and also supports Quick Charge 3.0, FCP and SCP. It is made of TPE plastic, which is not only pleasant to the touch, but also extremely durable and resistant to minor damage. What's more, its tip has been further reinforced to prevent the cable from breaking.

Manufacturer Foneng
Model X67
Colour White
Input current 5V / 2.4A
Output current 5 A
Material TPE
Length 1 m
Connectors microUSB / USB-A
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