Foneng X59 USB to Lightning cable, LED, 3A, 1m (black)
Product reference: 045526

Foneng X59 USB to Lightning cable, LED, 3A, 1m (black)

Product reference: 045526
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Lightning cable with LED illumination Foneng X59

Don't wait indefinitely for your iPhone to be ready to work again! The Foneng X59 cable offers fast charging with 3 A, so it won't take you long to charge your devices. It also allows you to renew energy and transfer data at the same time. With its help, you can charge Apple-branded equipment, including an iPhone or iPad, without any problems. The carefully thought-out design will make it easy for you to disconnect and connect the cable, and the colorful LED backlighting will increase the comfort of use after dark.

Manufacturer Foneng
Model X59
Color Black
Intensity 3 A
Length 1 m
Connectors Lightning / USB-A
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