Filtras Marumi EXUS Lens Protect SOLID 72mm
Product reference: 4957638098120

Cover fixing
Anti-reflective coating (up to 0.2%)
Water drop resistant
Grease resistant
Dust resistant
7 times stronger glass

Filtras Marumi EXUS Lens Protect SOLID 72mm

Product reference: 4957638098120

Cover fixing
Anti-reflective coating (up to 0.2%)
Water drop resistant
Grease resistant
Dust resistant
7 times stronger glass

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Antistatic coating

Marumi EXUS filters have an antistatic coating that makes the filters resistant to dust and other small particles.

Water resistant coating

The water-resistant coating will come in handy for outdoor photographers.

Grease resistant coating

The filter also has a grease-resistant coating to protect the filter from fingerprints.

Marumi comparison table

Choose the most suitable Marumi filter more easily:

Fixing the cover
Anti-reflective coating
Resistant to water drops
Grease resistant
x7 stronger glass
Extra thin
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