Filters PolarPro VND Cinema for DJI Mavic Air 2 (2-pack)
Product reference: 022642778334

Filters PolarPro VND Cinema for DJI Mavic Air 2 (2-pack)

Product reference: 022642778334
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PolarPro VND Cinema Filter Set for DJI Mavic Air 2

The PolarPro filter series, specially designed for the DJI Mavic Air 2, ensures high-quality photos and easy installation and removal. Users can choose from 2 filters offered by the manufacturer, made from high-quality materials such as multi-layer glass (CinemaSeries™ Glass) and aluminum, ensuring that the filter's weight does not affect the gimbal's performance. This set includes 2 filters: 2-5 stops, 6-9 stops.


Full Protection

PolarPro filters, made of multi-layered glass and high-quality aluminum, ensure excellent image quality and safety. The lightweight design does not burden the camera, and advanced production technology protects against reflections, water, scratches, and oil.


Glass CinemaSeries™ Glass
Manufacturer Code AR2-CMBO-VND
Material Multi-layer Glass / Aluminum
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