Filters GND 0.9, 1.2 Freewell for DJI Mini 4 Pro
Product reference: 057882

Filters GND 0.9, 1.2 Freewell for DJI Mini 4 Pro

Product reference: 057882
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Filters GND 0.9, 1.2 Freewell for DJI Mini 4 Pro

Freewell's set of 2 GND filters is ideal for DJI Mini 4 Pro / drone owners who want better quality photos and videos in varying lighting conditions. The set includes two GND (Graduated Neutral Density) filters - a GND0.9 filter and a GND1.2 filter, which allow you to adjust the exposure depending on the light levels on different parts of the frame. A special case is also included to safely store the filters and protect them from mechanical damage.


Perfect shots in a variety of conditions

The GND0.9 filter reduces the amount of light coming into the mid-frame for more balanced exposures when the sky is bright and the ground is dark. The GND1.2 filter, on the other hand, reduces the amount of light entering two-thirds of the frame, which is ideal for shooting in extreme lighting conditions when the difference in brightness between sky and ground is very large.


High-quality workmanship

The filters are made from high-grade German optical glass, which is incredibly resistant to scratches, dust or oil stains. So you can be sure to keep them in great condition for a long time! You will have no problem fitting them. Nor do you have to worry about them interfering with your drone's operation! A case is also included to keep the filters safe and protect them from damage.



  • GND0.9 filter
  • GND1.2 filter
  • case
Manufacturer Freewell
Model FW-MN4-GND
Compatibility DJI Mini 4 Pro /
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