Filter UV PolarPro Quartzline for 82mm lenses
Product reference: 015469378331

Filter UV PolarPro Quartzline for 82mm lenses

Product reference: 015469378331
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PolarPro Quartz Line UV filter for 82mm lenses

Take your photography and filming to a new level with the PolarPro Quartz Line UV Filter! It perfectly protects your lens from harmful UV rays while minimizing unwanted flare and glare effects for even better quality of your footage. Made of tempered glass, it is up to four times stronger than standard filters, guaranteeing extraordinary durability and protection for your lens. The Cinema Series Glass will fully stand up to even the largest camera sensors, providing a customized solution for your needs.


Reliable protection

The PolarPro Quartz Line UV filter is an indispensable accessory for any photographer who cares about the safety and quality of his photos. Its main task is to protect against harmful ultraviolet rays, which can negatively affect image quality and cause unwanted effects such as fogging or color distortion. With a high light transmission of 99%, the filter minimizes light loss, allowing you to preserve true colors and details in every shot.



Type of filterUV
Size82 mm
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