Filter Slim 72 mm MV36 K&F Concept
Product reference: 059515

Filter Slim 72 mm MV36 K&F Concept

Product reference: 059515
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K&F Concept Slim 72mm MV36 ND8-ND2000 Filter

Improve the quality of your photos with the K&F Concept filter, which effectively eliminates unwanted flare and extends shutter speed. It's ideal for shooting water or moving objects, and its sturdy construction guarantees durability.


Adjustable light intensity

The ND filter offers infinitely adjustable ND8-ND2000. This allows you to adjust the level of light entering the lens. It will prove useful when shooting dynamic scenes, such as flowing water or moving objects, allowing you to create blur effects.


Refined design

The filter is distinguished by its thin design - at 7.5 mm - and has undergone a CNC process. Thanks to its non-slip finish, you can easily put it on the lens. What's more, the use of Japanese optical glass and 18 coatings helps reduce the amount of light entering the lens. In addition, the filter is dust-resistant and effectively repels water.

Manufacturer K&F Concept
Model KF01.1359
Type ND8-ND2000
Thickness 7.5 mm
Diameter 72 mm
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