Filter PolarPro LiteChaser Pro VND 3-5 49mm for iPhone 11
Product reference: 023180753355

Filter PolarPro LiteChaser Pro VND 3-5 49mm for iPhone 11

Product reference: 023180753355
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PolarPro LiteChaser Pro VND 3-5 49mm iPhone 11 filter.

PolarPro's LiteChaser series of filters designed specifically for iPhone 11 / 11 Pro / 11 Pro Max smartphones provides high quality photos and easy installation and removal. LiteChaser Pro VND 3-5 is made of high-quality materials such as multi-layer glass and aluminum, so that the weight of the filter does not affect the operation of the gimbal. It will adjust the light without changing the filter , precisely adjust the color quality. The filter prevents the appearance of cross-polarization which allows you to create "on the go" shots.



Dimensions49mm x 4mm
GlassCinemaSeries™ Glass
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