Filter PolarPro LiteChaser Pro ND 8 49mm for iPhone 11
Product reference: 022751469523

Filter PolarPro LiteChaser Pro ND 8 49mm for iPhone 11

Product reference: 022751469523
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PolarPro LiteChaser Pro ND 8 49mm filter for iPhone 11

PolarPro's LiteChaser series of filters designed specifically for the iPhone 11 / 11 Pro / 11 Pro Max smartphones provide high quality photos and easy installation and removal. LiteChaser Pro ND8 3 is made of high-quality materials such as multilayer glass and aluminum, so that the weight of the filter does not affect the operation of the gimbal. It reduces light in three levels, precisely adjusts color quality, made for high frame rate video recording.



CompatibilityiPhone 11 series
Dimensions49mm x 4mm
GlassCinemaSeries™ Glass
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