Filter ND16/ PL Freewell for DJI Mini 4 Pro
Product reference: 057893

Filter ND16/ PL Freewell for DJI Mini 4 Pro

Product reference: 057893
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Freewell ND16/PL filter for DJI Mini 4 Pro

Protect the camera lens of your DJI Mini 4 Pro and increase the quality of the shots you take. The ND16/PL filter allows you to get color-saturated, high-quality photos without unnecessary glare. The product is made of high-quality optical glass and aluminum alloy. It is also resistant to scratches, dust and water. It is distinguished by its light weight - you do not have to worry about the load on your device.


Effective performance

The Freewell ND16/PL filter will work well for photographers who want to control exposure and improve the visual effect of their photos by reducing light and removing unwanted glare. The filter allows you to capture perfect shots with increased saturation, better clarity and reduced reflections.



  • filter
  • protective case
  • cleaning cloth
Manufacturer Freewell
Model FW-MN4-ND16/PL
Fits DJI Mini 4 Pro
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