Filter ND PolarPro Variable 2-5 degrees Cinema Series for DJI Mavic Air 2
Product reference: 022641643832

Filter ND PolarPro Variable 2-5 degrees Cinema Series for DJI Mavic Air 2

Product reference: 022641643832
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PolarPro Variable 2-5 degree Cinema Series ND Filter for DJI Mavic Air 2

PolarPro's series of filters designed specifically for the DJI Mavic Air 2 provide high quality images and easy installation and removal. We can choose from 2 filters offered by the manufacturer, which are made of high-quality materials such as multi-layer glass (CinemaSeries™ Glass) and aluminum, so that the weight of the filter does not affect the operation of the gimbal. This set consists of 1 filter: 2-5 degrees.



PolarPro brand filters made of multilayer glass and high-quality aluminum are an assurance of excellent images and safety. The lightweight design does not weigh down the camera, and advanced manufacturing technology protects against glare, water, scratches or oil. Like all PolarPro accessories, this filter includes Adventure Assurance™ insurance, ensuring that the filter can withstand even the toughest adventures.



Product codeAR2-2/5-VND
GlassCinemaSeries™ Glass
PlasticMulti-layer glass / Aluminum
CompatibilityDJI Mavic Air 2
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