Filter Adapter PolarPro Step Up Ring - 58mm - 67mm
Product reference: 049020

Filter Adapter PolarPro Step Up Ring - 58mm - 67mm

Product reference: 049020
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PolarPro Step Up Ring Filter Adapter - 58mm - 67mm

This handy adapter increases filter compatibility so you can use it with smaller lenses. This gives you even more options for recording original footage. For example, the Step Up Ring 58-67mm by PolarPro will allow you to mount a 67mm filter on a 58mm lens. The corrugated brass frame makes the accessory easier to mount and more durable. What's more, the matte black electroplated surface eliminates unwanted glare. All this makes the Step Up Ring perfect for recording both in the studio and outdoors.

Manufacturer PolarPro
Model 58-67-SUR
Material Brass
Variant 58-67 mm
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