Filter 1/ 4 Black Mist 52 MM K&F Concept Nano-X
Product reference: 059458

Filter 1/ 4 Black Mist 52 MM K&F Concept Nano-X

Product reference: 059458
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1/4 Black Mist 52mm Filter K&F Concept Nano-X

K&F Concept's 1/4 Black Mist filter is the perfect tool for professionals and photography enthusiasts who strive for perfect results in all conditions. The accessory will allow you to give your photos and videos an extraordinary cinematic character. It makes skin tones softer and smooths out wrinkles and pores, making any portrait look amazing.


Ideal for portrait photography

The 1/4 Black Mist filter will give your photographs a unique charm! With it, you can enhance the appearance of your skin, giving it a soft and dazzling glow. The product also softens the light and mitigates overexposure, giving your photos a unique cinematic feel.


Top quality workmanship

The product is made of Japanese AGC optical glass, which guarantees a perfect transparency of 84%. You don't have to worry about reflections or shadows - this filter effectively eliminates them. It has also been coated with a multi-layer coating, which makes it resistant to water, scratches and oil. You can confidently use it even in harsh conditions, and any dirt can be easily removed. What's more, the extremely thin aerospace aluminum frame with a width of just 3.3 mm prevents vignetting even during wide-angle shots.

Manufacturer K&F Concept
Model KF01.1477
Thread diameter 49 mm
Diffusion density 1/4
Material Japanese AGC glass
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