Fast Charging Cable LDNIO LS802 Lightning, 30W
Product reference: 043094

Fast Charging Cable LDNIO LS802 Lightning, 30W

Product reference: 043094
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LDNIO LS802 Lightning fast charging cable, 30W

The LDNIO LS802 cable will prove ideal for use at home and on long journeys. The material used guarantees durability and resistance to tangling.


Fast-charging cable for your devices

The LDNIO LS802 cable has been designed for fast charging up to max. 30 W. This guarantees that your equipment will always be fully charged. It is designed for Apple-branded equipment, as its end is a USB type Lightning.


Convenience and quality

The LDNIO LS802 cable will be comfortable to use as its cable is as long as 2 m. With it, you will be able to place the equipment you are charging at your convenience. Furthermore, it is made of high-quality TPE material, which is additionally safe for the environment.

Producer LDNIO
Model LS802
Plug Lightning
Material TPE
Length 2 m
Colour Blue
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