F2.8 ASPH Lens DJI DL18mm
Product reference: 048609

F2.8 ASPH Lens DJI DL18mm

Product reference: 048609
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DJI DL 18 mm F2.8 ASPH lens

The DJI DL 18mm F2.8 ASPH full-frame lens has been developed specifically for aerial cinematography. It is natively compatible with the DL mount and the Zenmuse X9-8K Air camera. It is also distinguished by its 18mm focal length, so it can record more information - creating breathtaking shots just got a lot easier! In addition, high sharpness and superbly controlled chromatic aberration allow for better reproduced colours and greater richness of detail when recording in 8K. The lens housing has been created from monocoque carbon fibre, so the accessory does not weigh down the DJI Inspire 3 drone or affect its manoeuvrability.


Brand DJI
Name DJI DL 18 mm F2.8 ASPH Lens
Model CP.IN.00000041.01
Compatibility Zenmuse X9-8K Air camera
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