Dudao Dudao stand for phone tablet black (F14S)
Product reference: 4-F14S-Black
Other Dudao Dudao stand for phone tablet black (F14S)

Dudao Dudao stand for phone tablet black (F14S)

Product reference: 4-F14S-Black
Other Dudao Dudao stand for phone tablet black (F14S)
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Dudao stand for phone tablet black (F14S)

Are you looking for solutions that make everyday life easier? A phone or tablet stand is equipment with which you will be able to browse the Internet, watch movies or conduct videoconferences without using your hands. The ergonomic design makes the pad extremely stable, which protects the equipment against falling. Convenient and simple adjustment, in turn, guarantees maximum comfort and adjustment to the user.


  • Brand: Dudao
  • Type: Stand for phone and tablet
  • Material: ABS + silicone
  • Size: 128 x 67.5 x 12.2mm
  • Adjustment: 4 steps
  • Net weight: 60 g

Set contains:

  • 1x phone or tablet stand

Exceptional stabilization and security
The stand is made of materials that not only make it durable, but also ensure maximum stability. Thanks to this, it will be perfect for both smartphones and tablets. Its finish is also noteworthy. Special covers are used in the place where the phone is placed. They protect the equipment against possible scratching or damage.

Simple and convenient adjustment
Ergonomic design allows you to adjust the stand in terms of the angle of inclination.

Wide possibilities of use
The stand is perfect for many situations. You can use it to watch movies on streaming services. It will also be successfully used during live broadcasts or during online classes. Thanks to it, you can also easily shoot videos on social media with a very stable image.

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