Dudao Dudao audio adapter headphone adapter from Lightning to 3.5 mm mini jack white (L16i white)
Product reference: 4-Dudao L16i Data Cable white
Cable Dudao Dudao audio adapter headphone adapter from Lightning to 3.5 mm mini jack white (L16i white)

Dudao Dudao audio adapter headphone adapter from Lightning to 3.5 mm mini jack white (L16i white)

Product reference: 4-Dudao L16i Data Cable white
Cable Dudao Dudao audio adapter headphone adapter from Lightning to 3.5 mm mini jack white (L16i white)
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Dudao audio adapter headphone adapter from Lightning to 3.5 mm mini jack

Adapter with cable from Lightning connector to 3.5 mini jack headphone jack . It allows you to connect headphones with a mini jack to a smartphone without a headphone jack, and thus listen to our favorite music. A practical solution for devices equipped only with a Lightning port.

3.5mm jack for everyone!

It's the perfect accessory for anyone who doesn't want to invest extra money in new headphones with a Lightning connector. This small adapter is enough to be able to connect classic equipment to newer phone models, whose manufacturers have given up the 3.5 mm jack socket.

Light, small and extremely durable

The adapter weighs only a few grams and has small dimensions , so its transport is practically trouble-free. In addition, it was made of high-quality materials.

Strong cable

Durable, made of flexible TPE cable increases the range and maneuverability of the adapter itself . Meanwhile, only a tiny plug is connected to the smartphone.

Top notch sound

When listening to music, the sound is clear and distortion-free. Enjoy the sound of your favorite songs in high quality!

Attention! The adapter does not allow you to make phone calls through the headphones.

Without removing the case

Thanks to the design of the accessory, you can connect it to the phone without having to remove the cover . Quickly and safely.

KGO PLN 0.02 net

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