Double clip-on microphone Boya BY-M3D (6m)
Product reference: 6971008024951

Ability to record two audio objects simultaneously
Compatible with many devices using Type-C connector
6 meter cable
16 bits/48KHz digital resolution
Low transmission noise
Power supply from USB Type-C devices

Double clip-on microphone Boya BY-M3D (6m)

Product reference: 6971008024951

Ability to record two audio objects simultaneously
Compatible with many devices using Type-C connector
6 meter cable
16 bits/48KHz digital resolution
Low transmission noise
Power supply from USB Type-C devices

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12/24 month

Delivery in 
3 - 5
business days

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The BOYA BY-M3 dual clip-on microphone is designed specifically for Android devices using the Type-C connector. With this microphone you will record two audio objects at once. 16 bits/48KHz digital resolution is perfect for recording various conversations, interviews, vlogs and other audio recordings. 

The microphone is perfect for those who want to reduce noise in the environment and record high-quality sound on their mobile devices. The 6 meter long microphone cable allows you to adapt it to various situations.

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