Denver TWM-850
Product reference: 5-111191130010
Denver TWM-850

Denver TWM-850

Product reference: 5-111191130010
Denver TWM-850
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 Truly wireless Bluetooth earbuds
Enjoy music without any cords
Bluetooth version V5.0
The charging case is also a MP4 player that you can pair with the earbuds and enjoy music - 8GB built-in storage
Player can play music, photos, ebooks (.txt) + it has built-in pedometer
1.3” IPS panel: 240x240
Operating range for earbuds: up to 10 meters
MP4 player/Charging case: 700mAh
Each earbud has 40mAh battery
Built-in microphone for calls
Charge the earbuds in the charging case
USB type-C cable for charging

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