Denver PFF-1042DW MK2 Dark Wood
Product reference: 5-119101040400
Denver PFF-1042DW MK2 Dark Wood

Denver PFF-1042DW MK2 Dark Wood

Product reference: 5-119101040400
Denver PFF-1042DW MK2 Dark Wood
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Smart 10.1’’ Wi-Fi photoframe with IPS touchscreen and 16 GB flash storage (eMMC)
Pre-installed FRAMEO software
Oak wooden frame
Download app to your smartphone and then push photos and videos through to the FRAMEO photoframe
FRAMEO is a new kind of social media based on photos - have hundreds of friends pushing pictures and videos directly to the photoframe
Add text to the pictures
Photoframe owner has control over display, friends can be added and deleted directly from the touchscreen
Set time for rotation of pictures between 10 sec. and 30 mins.
Timer function to make the FRAMEO photoframe turn off automatically at night
10.1‘’ IPS touchscreen
16GB flash storage
1280x800 pixel resolution
Size (W x D x H): 28.80 x 2.50 x 20.70 cm

Manufacturer Denver
Display, inches 10.1
Resolution 1280x800
Format support JPEG
Memory card microSD
Wi-Fi Yes
Built-in memory 16 GB
Display IPS touchscreen
Picture rotation time 10s-30min
Auto turn-off at night +
Software Frameo preinstalled
Dimensions 28.80 x 2.50 x 20.70 cm
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