Denver BTM-610
Product reference: 5-111151020790
Denver BTM-610

Denver BTM-610

Product reference: 5-111151020790
Denver BTM-610
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 Bluetooth speaker with LED light and included microphone
MicroSD card slot and USB input for MP3 playback
Microphone included for karaoke function
AUX input
Max power output 100W (10W RMS)
LED light around speaker
Built-in lithium battery (1200mAh)
2-3 hours playtime per charge
Power supply: 1200mAh lithium battery built-in (charged by USB-C)

Manufacturer Denver
Type Bluetooth speaker with LED light and microphone
Playback time 2-3 hours
LED illumination +
Battery type Lithium
AUX input +
USB input +
Bluetooth +
Total output power 100W
RMS power output 10W RMS
Dimensions 14.3 x 7.0 x 9.0 cm
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