Denver BTH-106 Pink
Product reference: 5-111191020500
Denver BTH-106 Pink

Denver BTH-106 Pink

Product reference: 5-111191020500
Denver BTH-106 Pink
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12 month

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 Wireless Bluetooth headset made especially for kids
Bluetooth V5.3
Wireless transmission distance 10 meters
Handsfree function: Take calls with headphones on
Sound limitation 85dB (safe for kids)
Music playing time: approx. 24 hours at 80% volume 
Built-in microphone
Built-in rechargeable battery - 170mAh

Manufactur Denver
Music playback mode 24 hours
Connection Wire + Wireless
Bluetooth +
operating range 10 m
Battery type 170mAh
Buttons on the Headset Yes
Dimensions 14.5 x 6.5 x 16 cm
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