Dension foa1ty1 tyco-yazaki porsche cayenne converter
Product reference: 555593795181

Dension foa1ty1 tyco-yazaki porsche cayenne converter

Product reference: 555593795181
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Dension FOA1TY1 Yazaki Fiber Optic Kit Converter is designed for Porsche cars with Yazaki connectors. Please note that approximately 10% of Porsche cars have Yazaki connectors. As of now, there is no easy way to determine which vehicles are equipped with Yazaki or TYCO connectors. The only way to determine which optical system a vehicle is equipped with is to conduct a visual inspection. Yazaki The Yazaki optical system was generally fitted to 2003 vehicles, production 1 and 2 (i.e.: February 2003 the production code is normally located on the edge of the driver's door). Important:     Please check the connector in your car before purchasing this part.    The Yazaki plug connects to a female TYCO connector. The TYCO plug does not connect to the Yazaki socket.
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