Dension avr audi mmi-2-no vim_gw5
Product reference: 364188414847

Dension avr audi mmi-2-no vim_gw5

Product reference: 364188414847
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Dension AVR (iPod Video Adapter) is an extension for the Gateway 500 or Gateway 500 Lite. It allows you to control video playback from various sources. It has 4 inputs, you can connect min. DVD player, reversing camera, game consoles, as well as having an iPod and USB connected to the Gateway 500. Dension AVR can process the video signal from the iPod and play it on the original screen in the car. If your car has factory-installed monitors in the rear headrests, the AVR will split the signal separately for the rear monitors and separately for the front monitor. Desnion AVR is intended for BMW, Mercedes, Porsche. After installing AVR to Gateway 500 or Gateway 500 Lite, we obtain a larger number of video inputs. In the original car menu, an additional menu will appear in which we can control and select various video sources. Features: Playing movies from an iPod or DVD on the screen in the car. Splitting the signal between two screens without loss of quality. Charging an iPod/iPhone while driving. Use as a simple integration of an iPod in a car with audio systemPlaying images from the reversing cameraUser manual:Documentation:Compatibility:
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