Ctk acoustics 1.6 - damping mat 37x50cm, 1 pc.
Product reference: 111782182729

Ctk acoustics 1.6 - damping mat 37x50cm, 1 pc.

Product reference: 111782182729
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These products have a positive laboratory test result accepted in EU countries, confirming compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 18, 2006 - REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) .INSTALLATIONCTK Acoustics mats are self-adhesive, very flexible and easy to apply on flat or complex-shaped surfaces. They can be installed in a wide temperature range without the need for heating, but the highest operating comfort is achieved at ambient temperatures above +10ºC. The surface to be covered must be dry, clean and very well degreased. In order to make maximum use of the damping properties, after sticking the mat should be firmly pressed, e.g. with a roller (roller), so that it adheres exactly to the entire surface of the damped substrate, without creating spaces with air bubbles. The self-adhesive butyl layer has self-vulcanizing properties, thanks to which, after some time, the adhesion of the material to the substrate improves.
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